Friday, July 6, 2012

Site Reference Internet Marketing Articles-5

Site Reference Internet Marketing Articles-5

Considering that YouTube is the third most visited website in the world it's a real surprise that the majority of webmasters have failed to recognise its potential in SEO. Most have given it a thought or two but have decided it's a marketing strategy that takes too much time and effort to be worth the rewards it can offer. They've been told by colleagues that "it's impossible to get subscribers and views" and that YouTube doesn't apply to SEO anyway because it's not "textually centred".
In this post my aim is to not only deter you from this way of thinking but also to provide you with the tips you need to make YouTube work for your business.
The businesses that find the most success from YouTube are those that create "how to" videos for their industry. Ideally you should be able to use YouTube to inform your consumers about your product or service as well as help them and offer them any relevant advice if necessary. Take a look at your business and think about what sort of videos you could make - if your potential idea bank is empty then YouTube probably isn't the SEO tactic for you.
How to make YouTube work for your business you've decided your business has at least some potential when it comes to using a video sharing format. The next step is to think about where your colleagues might have gone wrong in their attempt to crack YouTube and what you can do to make sure that your attempt goes right. The tips below tackle this issue and should provide you with the base knowledge you'll need to turn YouTube into an SEO goldmine for your business:
Become a partner - Partners can not only earn money from YouTube (thanks to ad clicks) but they also enjoy extra perks like longer upload limits as well as a more professional looking channel. If you are just starting up on YouTube you may not be able to apply for a partnership because of your lack of subscribers however you can contact their staff directly. Tell YouTube that this is an official channel for your brand and let them know of the plans you have for it. Normally they will happily grant an official business 'partner' status.
Pick a theme and stick to it - Be professional about what you upload. Thousands of channels fail to attract attention because they upload random videos on random topics without sticking to a particular style. You need to promise a theme to your viewership and then deliver it to them. If you want to create instructional videos try and use the same effects and music that you use in every video you produce. If you want to mix up the type of videos you upload categorise your videos into separate playlists. Perhaps you could have one group for 'new product releases' and another for your 'how to' guides.
Take advantage of the SEO potential - Don't forget that as well as improving your social presence YouTube can also enhance your SEO prospects. Take advantage of your video's titles and descriptions and plant a series of known keywords into videos of which they are relevant. You can also use YouTube's tag system to specify which types of YouTube queries your video should rank for.
Gather a following by any means necessary - The main problem that businesses tend to have with YouTube is that it is very hard to attain a decent following of subscribers. The first 100 or so can be the hardest to obtain but this can be remedied by extensive channel advertising on your other social networks. Let your current followers know that you have a presence on YouTube and they'll most likely subscribe to your channel. Aside from producing genuinely unique, helpful and interesting videos (with the correct titles and descriptions) you can also gather subscribers through collaboration. Get into contact with channels of a similar kind to yours and ask if you can team up on a video to share your subscriber bases.
Just because YouTube might be new to you don't put its potential to one side - there's a reason why it's become a world leader in providing online entertainment. You can guarantee that the majority of your potential consumers will use the site on a regular basis so it seems ludicrous to not set up your brands own stall on YouTube's market place.

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